Prefabricated wall panels with PV/with greenery


REN+HOMES will address the challenging aspect of integrating building-integrated photovoltaic (BIPV) modules into construction elements and ensuring proper electrical and watertight connections. This will significantly reduce installation time and costs, facilitating the widespread implementation of solar energy in urban environments.

Target technical data

Cost reduction during design


Cost reduction during construction and retrofitting


Cost reduction during maintenance


Cost reduction during maintenance


Time gain during construction


Local job creation

30 jobs if the product proves to be viable

Installation time shortened

by 15-25 %


One element able to insulate and integrate new windows in the panel as well as provide

RES Aesthetical

Allows to design of appealing facades

Energy efficient

The form allows more sunlight to be captured and increases RES production.

State of the art and main challenges

Ordinarily, BIPV facade components are added after site construction, necessitating extra support structures for photovoltaic equipment. This is neither cost nor time-effective, leading to increased construction waste. Despite solar module cost reductions, installation expenses have remained steady over the last decade.

Innovations and added value

The project will act to solve the main problems affecting the installation of PV systems at construction sites., a partner in REN+HOMES, will:

  • develop a new connector solution to attach BIPV modules on facade renovation modules during their manufacturing and insulation process
  • preinstall BIPV facade solutions in a modular renovatios

These strategies will decrease BIPV installation cost and time, while also bringing down the cost of each solar module, labour effort and logistics.